Public Safety Log

Sunday, July 21, 2024

07/21/24 23:25   24SH001816        Citizen Dispute                                 Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a domestic disturbance at the T-Bird Motel.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The officers located an injured female and requested EMS.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched.  The patient was transported to the Hospital.  The case is pending further investigation.

07/21/24 22:38   24SH001815        Alarm                                               Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported commercial alarm activation.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The officer arrived to find the employee at the property.

07/21/24 18:59   24SGFD000865    Medical Emergency                         Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Countryside Motel. Shelburne Rescue and Police were dispatched. The patient refused transport to the Hospital.

07/21/24 18:03   24SH001813        Welfare/Suicide Check                    Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller requested a welfare check on a family member.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The person was contacted and appeared to be okay.

07/21/24 15:14   24SH001811        Alarm                                               Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported commercial alarm activation.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The officer checked the building, and the keyholder was notified.

07/21/24 11:38   24SH001810        Motorist Assist                                 Bay Rd / Harbor Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a disabled vehicle in the roadway. Shelburne Police were dispatched. A wrecker located the car and removed it from the roadway.

07/21/24 10:21   24SGFD000864    Fire Alarm                                        Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported activating the commercial fire alarm. Shelburne Fire, Rescue, and Police were dispatched. The alarm was determined to be false.

07/21/24 03:42   24SH001808        Suspicious Person/Circumstance     Longmeadow Dr                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a suspicious person in the area.  Shelburne Police was dispatched. The officer was unable to locate anyone.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

07/20/24 19:38   24SH001807        Property Damage, Non-Vandalism  Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a two-car motor vehicle crash earlier in the day.   A statement was taken for insurance purposes only.

07/20/24 18:37   24SH001806        Theft                                                 Bay Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a theft of items from their motor vehicle.  A theft report was taken, and the case is pending further investigation.

07/20/24 17:19   24SGFD000863    Medical Emergency                         Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at North Star Motel.  Shelburne Rescue and Police were dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

07/20/24 16:18   24SGFD000862    Mutual Aid                                       Lake Champlain / Rock Dunder                             Shelburne

The US Coast Guard requested a search for a boat having difficulty near Rock Dunder.  Shelburne Fire was dispatched.  The area was checked, and nothing was found.

07/20/24 15:28   24SH001803        Animal Problem                               Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a dog inside a vehicle parked at Shelburne Bay Plaza.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The owner was leaving when the officer arrived.

07/20/24 13:10   24SH001801        Suspicious Person/Circumstance     Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

Shelburne Police Officer located a suspicious person in the area of the Fire Station.  The individual was identified and released.

07/20/24 12:57   24SGFD000861    Water – Ice Rescue                           Lake Champlain / Shelburne Bay                             Shelburne

The US Coast Guard requested a search for an abandoned boat in Shelburne Bay.  Shelburne Police and Fire were dispatched.  The area was checked, and nothing was found.

07/20/24 02:49   24SH001800        Suspicious Person/Circumstance     Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a suspicious vehicle in the area.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The officer checked the area but was unable to locate the car.

Friday, July 19, 2024

07/19/24 18:31   24SH001799        Service Abuse Prevention Order     Harbor Rd                             Shelburne

Shelburne Police assisted Addison County Family Court with the service of an abuse prevention order.

07/19/24 18:04   24SGFD000860    Medical Emergency                         Pine Haven Shores Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living.  Shelburne Rescue and Police were dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

07/19/24 16:02   24SGFD000859    Medical Emergency                         Pine Haven Shores Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

07/19/24 13:23   24SH001796        Animal Problem                               Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a dog inside a vehicle outside the Pierson Library.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The owner was leaving when the officer arrived.

07/19/24 13:07   24SGFD000858    Medical Emergency                         Bay Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency.  Shelburne Rescue and Police was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

07/19/24 09:50   24SH001794        Parking Problem                              Hullcrest Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported vehicles were parking on their lawn while delivering to a neighboring business.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The officer checked the area but was unable to locate any vehicles on the caller’s property.

07/19/24 05:48   24SH001793        Agency Assist                                   Dorset St                             Charlotte

Shelburne Police and Rescue assisted Vermont State Police and Charlotte Rescue at a motor vehicle crash.

07/19/24 04:42   24SH001792        Suspicious Person/Circumstance     Pond Access Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a suspicious vehicle parked in the area.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  Officers located the vehicle and occupants.  The individuals were identified and released.

07/19/24 00:03   24SH001791        Suspicious Person/Circumstance     Executive Dr                             Shelburne

Shelburne Police Officer located lights on at Kinney Drugs.  The building was secure, and no one appeared to be inside.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

07/18/24 23:53   24SH001790        Suspicious Person/Circumstance     Bay Rd / Bay Park                             Shelburne

Shelburne Police Officer located a suspicious vehicle.  All occupants were identified and released.

07/18/24 23:48   24SH001789        Suspicious Person/Circumstance     Bay Rd / Bay Access                             Shelburne

Shelburne Police Officer located a suspicious vehicle.  All occupants were identified and released.

07/18/24 13:27   24SH001787        Lockout                                             Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported their keys were locked in a vehicle.  Shelburne Police was dispatched. The officer was able to unlock the car.

07/18/24 12:19   24SGFD000856    Medical Emergency                         Terraces                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

07/18/24 02:00   24SGFD000855    Fire Alarm                                        Turtle Ln                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a commercial fire alarm activation. Shelburne Fire, Rescue, Police, and Charlotte Rescue were dispatched. The alarm was determined to be false.

07/18/24 01:45   24SGFD000854    Medical Emergency                         Green Hills Dr                             Shelburne

The Caller reported medical alarm activation.  Shelburne Rescue and Police were dispatched.  The patient was transported to the Hospital.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

07/17/24 12:31   24SH001781        Threatening                                     Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 caller reported receiving threatening calls and text messages.  A Harassment Report was taken, and the case is pending further investigation.

07/17/24 09:37   24SH001780        Suspicious Person/Circumstance     Caspian Ln                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a suspicious vehicle parked in the area.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  Officers located the vehicle and occupants.  The individuals were identified and released.

07/17/24 09:32   24SH001778        Traffic Hazard                                  Harbor Rd / Morgan Dr                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a trailer parked in the roadway creating a traffic hazard.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The trailer and owner were located.  The owner removed the trailer from the roadway.

07/17/24 08:56   24SGFD000853    Medical Emergency                         Pine Haven Shores Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

07/17/24 07:40   24SH001777        Suspicious Person/Circumstance     Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a suspicious person at Harbor Place.  Shelburne Police was dispatched. The officer was unable to locate anyone.

07/17/24 06:02   24SGFD000852    Medical Emergency                         Aspen Cir                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

07/17/24 02:45   24SH001775        Alarm                                               Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported commercial alarm activation.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The officer arrived to find the employee at the property.07/17/24 01:16                                 24SH001774                             Suspicious Person/Circumstance                                 Stokes Ln / Tracy Ln                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a suspicious person in the area.  Shelburne Police was dispatched. The officer was unable to locate anyone.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

07/16/24 23:59   24SGFD000851    Fire Alarm                                        Pheasant Hill Rdg                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a residential fire alarm activation. Shelburne Fire and Rescue were dispatched. The alarm was determined to be false.

07/16/24 23:45   24SH001773        Suspicious Person/Circumstance     Bay Rd / Harbor Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a suspicious vehicle parked in the area.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  Officers located the vehicle and occupants.  The individuals were identified and released.

07/16/24 23:04   24SH001772        Alarm                                               Falls Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported commercial alarm activation.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The officer checked the building, and the keyholder was notified.

07/16/24 18:45   24SGFD000850    Medical Emergency                         Wake Robin Dr                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Wake Robin.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

07/16/24 17:10   24SGFD000849    Medical Emergency                         Pine Haven Shores Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living.  Shelburne Rescue and UVM were dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital by UVM Rescue.

07/16/24 16:59   24SGFD000848    Medical Emergency                         Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

07/16/24 12:57   24SH001767        Suspicious Person/Circumstance     Hoes Ln                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a suspicious person in the area.  Shelburne Police was dispatched. The officer was unable to locate anyone.

07/16/24 12:36   24SH001766        Motor Vehicle Complaint                Shelburne Rd / Locust Hill                             Shelburne

The 911 caller reported an erratic motorist. A vehicle description and license plate were provided.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The vehicle was located and stopped.  The operator was identified and released.

07/16/24 09:36   24SGFD000847    Medical Emergency                         Pine Haven Shores Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living.  Shelburne Rescue and Charlotte Rescue were dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital by Charlotte Rescue.

07/16/24 09:32   24SH001764        VIN Number Inspection                    Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

Walk-in requested Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) verification. The VIN was verified.

07/16/24 07:35   24SH001763        Alarm                                               Spear St                             Shelburne

The Caller reported residential alarm activation.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The officer arrived to find the homeowner at the property.

Monday, July 15, 2024

07/15/24 21:55   24SH001762        Alarm                                               Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported commercial alarm activation.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The officer checked the building, and the keyholder was notified.

07/15/24 21:52   24SGFD000846    Fire Alarm                                        Thompson Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a residential fire alarm activation. Shelburne Fire and Rescue were dispatched. The alarm was determined to be false.

07/15/24 16:50   24SH001761        Citizen Dispute                                 Brentwood Dr                             Shelburne

The Caller reported his girlfriend was being aggressive and took his keys.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The officers located the individuals involved and assisted in mediating the dispute.

07/15/24 15:04   24SGFD000845    Mutual Aid                                       US Route 7 / Greenbush Rd                             Ferrisburgh

Shelburne Fire assisted Ferrisburgh Fire at a structure and truck fire.

07/15/24 12:39   24SH001760        Animal Problem                               Ridgefield Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a stray dog running loose.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The animal was located and reunited with the owner.

07/15/24 12:33   24SH001759        Background Investigation                Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

Shelburne Police requested a local background check for a new employee.

07/15/24 12:25   24SGFD000844    Medical Emergency                         Terraces                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at The Terraces.  Shelburne Rescue and Charlotte Rescue were dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital by Charlotte Rescue.

07/15/24 12:10   24SH001758        Theft                                                 Edward Dr                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a theft of items from their motor vehicle.  A theft report was taken, and the case is pending further investigation.

07/15/24 08:46   24SH001757        Suspicious Person/Circumstance     Beach Rd / Shelburne Beach                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a suspicious person in the area.  Shelburne Police was dispatched. The officer was unable to locate anyone.

07/15/24 08:20   24SGFD000843    CO Alarm – No Symptoms                Aspen Cir                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a residential fire alarm activation. Shelburne Fire and Rescue were dispatched. The alarm was determined to be false.

07/15/24 06:15   24SGFD000842    Mutual Aid                                       Drinkwater Rd                             Hinesburg

Shelburne Rescue assisted Hinesburg 1st Response with a medical call. Shelburne Rescue transported the patient to the Hospital.

07/15/24 00:02   24SH001756        Alarm                                               Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported commercial alarm activation.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The officer checked the building, and the keyholder was notified.

911 Hang-up Call:  1

Citizen Assist:  7

Directed Patrol:  1

Found Property:  2

Mental Health:  2

Property Watch:  1

Traffic stops: 0 – 0 tickets and 0 warnings issued.