Public Safety Log

Sunday, September 22, 2024

09/22/24 20:02   24SH002751        Suspicious Person/Circumstance     Country Ln                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a suspicious person in the area.  Shelburne Police was dispatched. The officer was unable to locate anyone.

09/22/24 12:21   24SGFD001159    Medical Emergency                         S Ridge Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

09/22/24 08:52   24SGFD001158    Medical Emergency                         Webster Ln                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

09/21/24 23:35   24SH002733        Noise Disturbance                            Chesapeake Dr                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a loud party at a neighbor’s residence.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The officers checked the area but were unable to locate anything.

09/21/24 23:25   24SGFD001157    Medical Emergency                         Falls Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

09/21/24 20:26   24SH002728        Theft                                                 Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a retail theft from Route 7 Liquor & Deli.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The officer checked the area but was unable to locate the individual. A theft report was taken, and the case is pending further investigation.

09/21/24 18:54   24SH002724        Motorist Assist                                 Harbor Rd / Falls Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a disabled vehicle in the roadway. Shelburne Police were dispatched. A wrecker located the car and removed it from the roadway.

09/21/24 18:20   24SGFD001156    Fire Alarm                                        Pheasant Hill Rdg                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a residential fire alarm activation. Shelburne Fire and Rescue were dispatched. The alarm was determined to be false.

09/21/24 15:19   24SH002720        Suspicious Person/Circumstance     Bay Rd / Bay Access                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a suspicious vehicle parked in the area.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  Officers located the vehicle and occupants.  The individuals were identified and released.

09/21/24 11:51   24SH002716        Fraud                                                Webster Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a fraud complaint.  A Fraud Report was taken, and the case is pending further investigation.

09/21/24 10:59   24SGFD001155    Medical Emergency                         Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

09/21/24 10:37   24SGFD001154    Fire Alarm                                        Pine Haven Shores Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a commercial fire alarm activation. Shelburne Fire, Rescue, and South Burlington Fire were dispatched. The alarm was determined to be false.

09/21/24 08:11   24SH002713        Welfare/Suicide Check                    Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller requested a welfare check on a friend at North Star Motel.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The person was contacted and appeared to be okay.

09/21/24 01:40   24SH002708        Motorist Assist                                 Shelburne Rd / Harrington Ave                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a disabled vehicle in the roadway. Shelburne Police were dispatched. A wrecker located the car and removed it from the roadway.

Friday, September 20, 2024

09/20/24 22:05   24SGFD001153    Medical Emergency                         Pine Haven Shores Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

09/20/24 21:23   24SH002701        Agency Assist                                   Shelburne Rd                             South Burlington

South Burlington Police reported that the juvenile stated he had been assaulted earlier today in Shelburne.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The officer spoke with the juvenile and determined the incident occurred in Burlington.  Burlington Police was notified.

09/20/24 20:30   24SH002700        Family Fight/Domestic                     Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 caller reported a male and female having a verbal dispute.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The officers located the individuals involved and assisted with mediating the dispute.

09/20/24 20:25   24SGFD001152    Medical Emergency                         Pine Haven Shores Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient refused transport to the Hospital.

09/20/24 17:05   24SH002698        Suspicious Person/Circumstance     Shelburne Rd / Hedgerow Dr                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a suspicious person in the area.  Shelburne Police was dispatched. The officer was unable to locate anyone.

09/20/24 16:46   24SH002697        Special Overtime                             Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

Shelburne Police, Fire, and Rescue are on standby at Shelburne Museum for the Concert Event.

09/20/24 16:31   24SH002695        Property Damage, Non-Vandalism  Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a two-car motor vehicle crash earlier in the day.   A statement was taken for insurance purposes only.

09/20/24 14:41   24SH002692        Welfare/Suicide Check                    Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller requested a welfare check on a client at Countryside Motel.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The person was contacted and appeared to be okay.

09/20/24 12:18   24SH002691        VIN Number Inspection                    Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

Walk-in requested Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) verification. The VIN was verified.

09/20/24 09:23   24SH002685        Citizen Dispute                                 Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a dispute between individuals at the Shelburne Campground.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The officer located the individuals involved and assisted in mediating the dispute.

09/20/24 09:17   24SH002684        Agency Assistance                            Green St                             Hinesburg

Shelburne Police assisted Hinesburg Police at a domestic disturbance.

09/20/24 06:41   24SGFD001150    Medical Emergency                         Pine Haven Shores Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

09/20/24 02:10   24SGFD001149    Medical Emergency                         Pinehurst Dr                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient refused transport to the Hospital.

09/20/24 01:13   24SGFD001148    Fire Alarm                                        Pine Haven Shores Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a commercial fire alarm activation. Shelburne Fire and Rescue were dispatched. The alarm was determined to be false.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

09/19/24 23:59   24SH002682        Agency Assistance                            Larkin Way                             South Burlington

Shelburne Police assisted South Burlington Police with a suspicious person complaint.

09/19/24 23:19   24SH002681        Suspicious Person/Circumstance     Shelburne Rd / Champlain Dr                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a suspicious person in the area.  Shelburne Police was dispatched. The officer was unable to locate anyone.

09/19/24 20:38   24SH002680        Crash – Injury                                    Martindale Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 caller reported a two-car motor vehicle collision with injuries. Shelburne Police, Fire, and Rescue were dispatched. A crash report was taken from the individuals involved. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

09/19/24 20:15   24SH002677        Suspicious Person/Circumstance     Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a suspicious person in the area.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The individual was located, identified, and released.

09/19/24 19:23   24SH002675        Alarm                                               Mariners Cv                             Shelburne

The Caller reported residential alarm activation.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  The officer checked the building, and the keyholder was notified.

09/19/24 16:32   24SH002674        Special Overtime                             Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

Shelburne Police, Fire, and Rescue are on standby at Shelburne Museum for the Concert Event.

09/19/24 15:41   24SGFD001145    Medical Emergency                         Harbor Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at the Arbors. Shelburne Rescue, Police, and UVM Rescue were dispatched. The patient refused transport to the Hospital.

09/19/24 15:29   24SGFD001144    Medical Emergency                         Nashville Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency.  Shelburne Rescue and Police were dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

09/19/24 14:29   24SH002671        Suspicious Person/Circumstance     Shelburne Rd / Bay Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a suspicious person in the area.  Shelburne Police was dispatched. The officer was unable to locate anyone.

09/19/24 12:45   24SGFD001143    Medical Emergency                         Wake Robin Dr                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency at Wake Robin.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

09/19/24 11:44   24SH002669        Animal Problem                               Bay Rd / Bay Park                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a stray dog running loose.  The Animal Control Officer was notified.

09/19/24 08:19   24SGFD001142    Medical Emergency                         Shelburnewood Dr                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

09/19/24 04:32   24SGFD001141    Medical Emergency                         Pine Haven Shores Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient refused transport to the Hospital.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

09/18/24 21:09   24SH002660        Phone Problem / Harassment         Frogs End                             Shelburne

The 911 caller reported receiving threatening and harassing calls.  A Harassment Report was taken, and the case is pending further investigation.

09/18/24 20:11   24SGFD001140    Mutual Aid                                       Ethan Allen Hwy                             Charlotte

Shelburne Rescue assisted Charlotte Rescue with a medical call. Shelburne Rescue transported the patient to the Hospital.

09/18/24 19:35   24SH002659        Background Investigation                Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

Shelburne Rescue requested a driver safety check for a new rescue member.

09/18/24 13:41   24SGFD001139    Medical Emergency                         Elmore St                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

09/18/24 10:25   24SH002653        VIN Number Inspection                    Shelburne Rd                             South Burlington

Walk-in requested Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) verification. The VIN was verified.

09/18/24 08:46   24SGFD001138    Aircraft Emergency                          Airport Dr                             South Burlington

Shelburne Fire and Rescue assisted Vermont Air National Guard Fire with an Aircraft Emergency at Burlington International Airport.  The units were canceled from the call, and no injuries were reported.

09/18/24 07:15   24SH002652        Crash – Damage Only                       Shelburne Rd / Falls Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a two-car motor vehicle crash with no injuries.  Shelburne Police was dispatched.  Statements were taken from all individuals involved, and a State Crash Report was completed.

09/18/24 02:21   24SGFD001137    Medical Emergency                         High Acres Farm Dr                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

09/17/24 17:16   24SGFD001136    Fire Alarm                                        Harbor Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a commercial fire alarm activation. Shelburne Fire and Rescue were dispatched. The alarm was determined to be false.

09/17/24 16:51   24SGFD001135    Medical Alarm                                 Pine Haven Shores Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported medical alarm activation at Shelburne Bay Senior Living.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched.  It was determined to be an accidental alarm.

09/17/24 15:10   24SGFD001134    Smoke Investigation                         Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported seeing smoke coming from the area of the Red Apple Motel.  Shelburne Fire, Rescue, Police, and Charlotte Fire were dispatched.  The source of the smoke was located and determined to be a campfire, and all units were canceled.

09/17/24 11:45   24SGFD001133    Medical Emergency                         Bostwick Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

09/17/24 08:53   24SH002629        Fraud                                                Longmeadow Dr                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a fraud complaint.  A Fraud Report was taken, and the case is pending further investigation.

Monday, September 16, 2024

09/16/24 21:51   24SGFD001131    Medical Emergency                         Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Harbor Place.  Shelburne Rescue and Police were dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

09/16/24 20:48   24SGFD001130    Medical Emergency                         Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency at Shelburne Museum.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

09/16/24 20:26   24SGFD001129    Medical Emergency                         Covington Ln                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency. Shelburne Rescue and Charlotte Rescue were dispatched. The patient refused transport to the Hospital.

09/16/24 19:59   24SGFD001128    Medical Emergency                         Pine Haven Shores Rd                             Shelburne

The 911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living.  Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.

09/16/24 16:43   24SH002611        Special Overtime                             Shelburne Rd                             Shelburne

Shelburne Police, Fire, and Rescue are on standby at Shelburne Museum for the Concert Event.

09/16/24 14:27   24SH002608        Fraud                                                Bay Rd                             Shelburne

The Caller reported a fraud complaint.  A Fraud Report was taken, and the case is pending further investigation.

911 Hang-up Call:  0

Citizen Assist:  6

Directed Patrol:  66

Found Property:  3

Mental Health:  1

Property Watch:  0

Traffic stops: 41 – 7 tickets and 34 warnings issued.