Sunday, March 24, 2024
03/24/24 16:58 24SH000686 Animal Problem Irish Hill Rd / Heather Ln Shelburne
The caller reported a stray dog running loose. Shelburne Police was dispatched. The animal was located and reunited with the owner.
03/24/24 15:55 24SH000685 Alarm Athletic Dr Shelburne
The caller reported commercial alarm activation. Shelburne Police was dispatched. The officer checked the building, and the keyholder was notified.
03/24/24 13:24 24SH000684 Welfare/Suicide Check Gobbler Ln Shelburne
The caller requested a welfare check on a family member. Shelburne Police was dispatched. The person was contacted and appeared to be okay.
03/24/24 12:15 24SGFD000324 Medical Emergency Pine Haven Shores Rd Shelburne
911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
03/24/24 09:44 24SH000683 Theft Executive Dr Shelburne
The caller reported a retail theft from Kinney Drugs. Shelburne Police was dispatched. The officer checked the area but was unable to locate the individual. A theft report was taken, and the case is pending further investigation.
03/24/24 20:39 24SGFD000323 Medical Emergency Wake Robin Dr Shelburne
911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency at Wake Robin. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
03/24/24 09:32 24SGFD000322 Medical Emergency Shelburne Rd Shelburne
911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency at Countryside Motel. Shelburne Rescue and Police were dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
03/24/24 04:27 24SGFD000321 Medical Emergency Falls Rd Shelburne
911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
03/24/24 01:34 24SGFD000320 Medical Emergency Pine Haven Shores Rd Shelburne
911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
Saturday, March 23, 2024
03/23/24 22:00 24SH000680 Alarm Turtle Ln Shelburne
The caller reported commercial alarm activation. Shelburne Police was dispatched. The officer checked the building, and the keyholder was notified.
03/23/24 16:29 24SH000679 Welfare/Suicide Check Shelburne Rd Shelburne
The caller requested a welfare check on a family member. Shelburne Police was dispatched. The person was contacted and appeared to be okay.
03/23/24 14:41 24SH000678 VIN Number Inspection Shelburne Rd Shelburne
Walk-in requested Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) verification. The VIN was verified.
03/23/24 11:06 24SH000676 Welfare/Suicide Check Executive Dr Shelburne
The caller requested a welfare check on a pedestrian on the side of the roadway. Shelburne Police was dispatched. The person was contacted and appeared to be okay.
03/23/24 09:36 24SH000675 Agency Assistance Shelburne Rd South Burlington
Shelburne Police assisted South Burlington Police with a retail theft complaint.
03/23/24 02:50 24SH000673 Suspicious Person/Circumstance Shelburne Rd Shelburne
Shelburne Police Officer located an unoccupied vehicle parked at the Dutchmill.
Friday, March 22, 2024
03/22/24 23:30 24SGFD000319 Medical Emergency Hedgerow Dr Shelburne
911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
03/22/24 19:54 24SGFD000318 Medical Emergency Shelburne Rd Shelburne
911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency at Countryside Motel. Shelburne Rescue, Police, and Charlotte Rescue were dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital by Charlotte Rescue.
03/22/24 19:34 24SH000668 Fire Investigation Laplatte Cir Shelburne
The caller reported an unattended fire in the backyard of a neighboring home. Shelburne Police was dispatched. The homeowner was notified of the violation and agreed to extinguish the fire.
03/22/24 18:16 24SH000667 Motor Vehicle Complaint Shelburne Rd / Webster Rd Shelburne
911 Caller reported an erratic motorist, and a vehicle description was provided. Shelburne Police was dispatched. The officer checked the area but was unable to locate the vehicle.
03/22/24 16:41 24SH000666 Found Property Shelburne Rd Shelburne
The walk-in reported finding a wallet in the area of Vermont Teddy Bear area. The property was returned to the owner.
03/22/24 15:19 24SGFD000317 Odor Investigation Shelburne Rd Shelburne
911 Caller reported an electrical smell in the building. Shelburne Fire and Rescue were dispatched. The source of the odor was located, and the hazard was removed.
03/22/24 15:00 24SH000665 Theft Shelburne Rd Shelburne
The caller reported a retail theft from Tractor Supply. Shelburne Police was dispatched. The officer checked the area but was unable to locate the individual. A theft report was taken, and the case is pending further investigation.
03/22/24 12:49 24SGFD000316 Medical Emergency Pine Haven Shores Rd Shelburne
911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
03/22/24 11:26 24SGFD000315 Medical Emergency Meadow Ln Shelburne
911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency. Shelburne Rescue and Charlotte Rescue were dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
03/22/24 11:12 24SGFD000314 Medical Emergency Shelburne Rd Shelburne
911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Harbor Place. Shelburne Rescue and Police were dispatched. The patient refused transport to the Hospital.
03/22/24 09:31 24SGFD000313 Medical Emergency Bay Rd Shelburne
911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
03/22/24 09:19 24SGFD000312 Medical Emergency Harrington Ave Shelburne
911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Wright House. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
03/22/24 06:49 24SGFD000311 Fire Alarm Athletic Dr Shelburne
The caller reported commercial fire alarm activation. Shelburne Fire and Rescue were dispatched. The alarm was determined to be a false alarm.
03/22/24 00:34 24SH000663 Suspicious Person/Circumstance Bay Rd Shelburne
The caller reported a suspicious vehicle parked in the area. Shelburne Police was dispatched. Officers located the vehicle and occupants. The individuals were identified and released.
Thursday, March 21, 2024
03/21/24 23:34 24SGFD000310 Medical Emergency Pine Haven Shores Rd Shelburne
911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
03/21/24 22:33 24SGFD000309 Medical Emergency Pine Haven Shores Rd Shelburne
911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
03/21/24 21:38 24SH000662 Suspicious Person/Circumstance Shelburne Rd Shelburne
The caller reported a suspicious person in the area. Shelburne Police was dispatched. The officer was unable to locate anyone.
03/21/24 18:29 24SGFD000308 Odor Investigation Harrington Ave Shelburne
911 Caller reported a strong smell of gas in the area. Shelburne Fire and Rescue were dispatched. The hazard was removed.
03/21/24 18:05 24SGFD000307 Medical Emergency Shelburne Rd Shelburne
911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
03/21/24 17:37 24SGFD000306 Medical Emergency Pine Haven Shores Rd Shelburne
911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
03/21/24 12:49 24SH000661 Theft Sycamore St Shelburne
The caller reported a theft of items from his residence. A theft report was taken, and the case is pending further investigation.
03/21/24 12:32 24SH000659 Unlawful Mischief Shelburne Rd Shelburne
The caller reported her residence was vandalized. A vandalism report was taken, and the case is pending additional leads.
03/21/24 12:07 24SH000658 Theft Graham Way Shelburne
The caller reported a theft of items from her motor vehicle. A theft report was taken, and the case is pending further investigation.
03/21/24 12:04 24SGFD000305 Medical Emergency Wake Robin Dr Shelburne
911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency at Wake Robin. Shelburne Rescue and Charlotte Rescue were dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital by Charlotte Rescue.
03/21/24 10:43 24SGFD000304 Medical Emergency Vt Route 116 Shelburne
911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency. Shelburne Rescue and South Burlington Rescue were dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital by South Burlington Rescue.
03/21/24 09:51 24SH000656 Welfare/Suicide Check Shelburne Rd Shelburne
The caller requested a welfare check on an individual acting strange near Dunkin Donuts. Shelburne Police was dispatched. The person was contacted and appeared to be okay.
03/21/24 08:20 24SH000655 Traffic Hazard Harbor Rd Shelburne
The caller reported icy road conditions near Shelburne Shipyard. Shelburne Police and Shelburne Highway were dispatched. Shelburne Highway treated the roadway.
03/21/24 05:21 24SGFD000303 Medical Emergency Sutton Farm Dr Shelburne
911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient refused transport to the Hospital.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
03/20/24 23:26 24SH000652 Suspicious Person/Circumstance Harbor Rd / Shelburne Farms Shelburne
Shelburne Police Officer located an unoccupied vehicle parked at Shelburne Farms.
03/20/24 21:33 24SGFD000302 Medical Emergency Wake Robin Dr Shelburne
911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Wake Robin. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
03/20/24 20:30 24SH000649 Theft Executive Dr Shelburne
The caller reported a retail theft from Kinney Drugs. Shelburne Police was dispatched. The officer checked the area but was unable to locate the individual. A theft report was taken, and the case is pending further investigation.
03/20/24 19:47 24SH000648 Welfare/Suicide Check Bishop Rd Shelburne
The caller requested a welfare check on a friend. Shelburne Police was dispatched. The person was contacted and appeared to be okay.
03/20/24 11:45 24SGFD000301 Medical Emergency Pine Haven Shores Rd Shelburne
911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living. Shelburne Rescue and UVM Rescue were dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital by UVM Rescue.
03/20/24 11:41 24SGFD000300 Medical Emergency Harrington Ave Shelburne
911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Wright House. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
03/20/24 00:22 24SGFD000299 Medical Emergency Pine Haven Shores Rd Shelburne
911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
03/19/24 17:06 24SGFD000298 Medical Emergency Ockert Ln Shelburne
911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency. Shelburne Rescue and Police were dispatched. The patient refused transport to the Hospital.
03/19/24 09:59 24SGFD000297 Medical Emergency Pine Haven Shores Rd Shelburne
911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
03/19/24 08:43 24SGFD000296 Smoke Investigation Meadow Ln Shelburne
The 911 Caller reported smoke coming from the rear of the residence. Shelburne Fire, Rescue, and Police were dispatched. The source of the smoke was located, and the fire was extinguished.
03/19/24 07:44 24SH000643 Crash – Damage Only Shelburne Rd Shelburne
The caller reported a 2-car motor vehicle crash with no injuries. Shelburne Police was dispatched. Statements were taken from all individuals involved, and a State Crash Report was completed.
03/19/24 06:58 24SGFD000295 Medical Emergency Pine Haven Shores Rd Shelburne
911 Caller reported a male having a medical emergency at Shelburne Bay Senior Living. Shelburne Rescue and UVM Rescue were dispatched. The patient refused transport to the Hospital.
Monday, March 18, 2024
03/18/24 16:25 24SGFD000294 Medical Emergency Wake Robin Dr Shelburne
911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency at Wake Robin. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
03/18/24 14:38 24SH000642 Crash – Fluids/Hazards Falls Rd Shelburne
The caller reported a one-car motor vehicle collision with injuries. Shelburne Police, Fire, Rescue, and Charlotte Fire were dispatched. The operator involved gave a statement. The patient refused transport to the Hospital.
03/18/24 12:41 24SGFD000292 Medical Emergency Spear St Shelburne
911 Caller reported a female having a medical emergency. Shelburne Rescue was dispatched. The patient was transported to the Hospital.
03/18/24 10:26 24SH000640 VIN Number Inspection Shelburne Rd Shelburne
Walk-in requested Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) verification. The VIN was verified.
03/18/24 09:52 24SH000639 Service Abuse Prevention Order Shelburne Rd Shelburne
Shelburne Police assisted Family Court with the service of an Abuse Prevention Order.
03/18/24 08:01 24SH000637 Agency Assistance Falls Rd / Thomas Rd Shelburne
Shelburne Police assisted the Shelburne Water Department with traffic control.
911 Hang-up Call: 0
Citizen Assist: 6
Directed Patrol: 3
Mental Health: 1
Property Watch: 2
Traffic stops: 5 – 0 tickets and 5 warnings issued.